Sir Francis Drake landed in Bodega Bay in 1579. A quote from his journal notes that the Native Americans were friendly and the summer weather quite cold and foggy.
At the turn of the 19th Century, Russian people from Sitka, Alaska, settled in the coastal area founding Fort Ross in 1811 and erected buildings at Bodega Bay. They had come to collect sea otter pelts and to grow food for their Alaskan colony. In 1841, being unable to adequately support themselves and Sitka, the Russians sold their stock at Fort Ross to John A. Sutter. After 1842 Americans began settling in the area as a result of Bear Flag Revolt, Mexican-American War, the Gold Rush, and California’s admission to the Union.
Today Bodega Bay is a charming fishing village with whale-watching, Dungeness crab and salmon fishing and a world-class golf course for visitors to enjoy.